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Audio Sample 1:

Transcribed Audio sample 1:

9 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day

1. They know what needs to be done today.

“I maintain a daily to-do list.” – Christy Walton of Walmart

Agreeing rich: 81%

Agreeing poor: 19%

Not only do the wealthy keep a to-do list, but 67% of them complete 70% or more of those listed tasks each day.

2. They aren't hoping to win the jackpot.

"I play the lottery regularly.” – Liliane Bettencourt of L’Orealt

Rich people agree: 6%

Poor people agree: 77%

That's not to say that the wealthy always play it safe, on the contrary, they often took calculated risks with their own wealth.

3. They take care of their smiles

“I floss every day.” – David Koch of Koch Industries t

Agreeing rich: 62%

Agreeing poor: 16%

Enough said.

4. They watch their waistline

“I count calories every day.” – Charles Koch of Koch Industriest

Agreeing rich: 57%

Agreeing poor: 5%

Wealthy people value their health, says Corley. “If you can extend your life for a few years that’s few more years of earnings”

5. They make a point of going above and beyond at the office

“I do more than my job requires.” – Larry Ellison of Oraclet

Agreeing rich: 81%

Agreeing poor: 17%

It’s worth noting that while 86% of rich people (compared to 43% of poor) work on average a 50 or more hours a week.

6. They are big into audio books

“I listen to audio books during the commute to work.” – Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathawayt

Agreeing rich: 63%

Agreeing poor: 5%

Even if you aren’t into audiobooks, you can make the most of your commute with any of these commute-friendly self-improvement activities.

7. They read … but not for fun

“I love reading.” – Amancio Ortega of Zarat

Agreeing rich: 86%

Agreeing poor: 26%

Sure, rich people love reading, but they favour non-fiction, in particular, self-improvement books.

8. They don’t watch TV

“I watch TV one hour or less per day.” – Bill Gates of Microsoftt

Agreeing rich: 67%

Agreeing poor: 23%

Only 6% of the wealthy watch reality shows, compared to 78% of the poor. “They make productive use of their time,” explains Corley. They are too busy making money!

9. Rich people always keep their goals in sight

“I focus on my goals every day.” – Carlos Slim of America Movilt

Agreeing rich: 62%

Agreeing poor: 6%

Not only do wealthy people set regular goals, but 67% of them put those goals in writing. “It blew me away,” says Corley.


Audio Sample 2:

Transcribed Audio sample 2:

Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 24 January 2014 at the First Corporate Secretaries Offices, Sandton, at 09h00.


Solomon Jacobs

Melissa Jones

Daisree Parks

Peter McAuslan

Stephane Godin

Miles Sithole [see/toe/lay]


Vice Chairman


Director (Via teleconference)

Director (Via teleconference)

Company Secretary








Senzo Goba

Vijay Pillay









The Chair, SJ, welcomed and thanked all those present.

2. Attendance

2.1. As per attendance register. SG and PM joined via conference call.

2.2 Apologies

Apologies were received from Senzo Goba and Vijay Pillay.

2.3 Quorum
There being a quorum the Chairman declared the meeting duly constituted and open.

2.4 Declaration of Interest
All Board members present declared that they held no interests in conflict with that of First Corporate Secretaries, Daisree Parks who declared that she holds a financial interest in Fere Trading, who are suppliers to First Corporate Secretaries.

The Chairman advised that DP would therefore have to recuse herself when it came to Agenda item 7 – Renewal of Fere’s supply contract.

3. Confirmation of Previous Minutes – 15th November 2013

The minutes of the previous Board Meeting were proposed by MJ and seconded by SG for approval subject to the following corrections:

Page 1 – Change the spelling of Desiree to Daisree.

4. Matters Arising From the Previous Minutes

PM reported that service level agreement of IT services had been signed and that the original would be forwarded to MS for filing.


DP reported that following the conclusion of the disciplinary hearing against an employee for the breach of IT policy, the concerned employee’s services have been terminated with immediate effect.

4.3 TRAINING – Protection of Personal Information Act – SG

SG informed the Board that training on the new PoPi Act for all staff is scheduled to begin next week………..























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